A Gorilla-Themed Palate-Cleanser

I was going to write about Flashpoint No. 5, but I just don't feel like being super negative today. Suffice to say that I exclaimed "That's stupid" more than once, and that my dog was saddened by the tone of my voice. I had to calm him down with a belly rub.

Instead, here's an excerpt from a comic I read and genuinely enjoyed this week:


Namely, Detective Comics No 232, in which Batman is consulting on the set of a Batman movie. On this specific page, a couple of writers try to get a handle on the character and are delightful.

They might actually be the only characters to get a chuckle out of me with the old "accidentally discover Batman's secret identity and then laugh it off" gag, possibly because of the joyful little faces pictured above.


Even more likely, though, is that it's just reflected hilarity from this couple of panels. These guys should have been folded into Batman's supporting cast.


Bonus! That wasn't just a throwaway gag page, it was set-up! It was an example of Chekhov's Gorilla Suit, and that might be the most satisfying thing I've ever written.

Of course, there were plenty of good comics out this week. Skullkickers, The Sixth Gun, Invincible, the excellent Infinite Kung Fu TPB (came out last week but who's counting). The moral of the story, I guess, is that I should never read event comics ever again. Also, watch out for guys in gorilla costumes.

The Unfunnies: Homer and the Terrors of the Deep

This one is pretty terrible.

That's right Homer: pave the ocean so you don't have to deal with the inconvenience of irregular topography! Dynamite the reefs to save you the indignity of potentially cutting yourself on a coral protrusion! Drug the fish, for they might someday bite you! You jerk.

Homer, by the way, is one of DC's "everyman" characters - along with Ollie, Lucky and Stan - who skipped from job to job as the thematic gag strips demanded it, and since they were the chumps who usually showed up in Aquaman's comics, they all got to be skin divers. Horrible, lazy skin divers.

- this one's from Aquaman No. 34