Episode 171 - The Avengers: Endgame


My phone helpfully reminded me on Thursday morning that I had tickets to see The Avengers: Endgame that night. There really wasn’t much risk of me forgetting.

Even so, I went into this one with a relatively clear head. In the past (Civil War) I have gotten hung up on fan theories and watching the press tours and chatting with fellow fans before the movie release. This time I had barely been paying attention to anything. I was completely unspoiled, had no expectations or needs, and I had a great time.

This episode is obviously full of spoilers for Endgame so keep that in mind.

We are taking another break for awhile so we can both work on some creative projects. Thanks again for listening and we will see you soon! Make sure you go to Free Comic Book Day at your local shop (and buy something!).

Episode 170 - Shazam! (and also Flash Gordon)


This week DC released their latest super hero movie, Shazam!

So we watched Flash Gordon.

Just kidding. We watched both. But I only got to see the first half hour or so of Shazam! so we mostly talk about Flash Gordon in this episode. As it should be.

If you want to watch the featurette of Alex Ross talking about all the reasons he loves Flash Gordon while carefully sidestepping the real reasons (bondage scenes, relentless horniness), you can check it out on YouTube.

Thanks for listening!

Episode 169 - Game Failures


Last week we talked about the game changing ideas that comic book writers brought to DC and Marvel. This week we are talking about…the opposite of that.

(Very stupid) correction for this episode: Ron Zimmerman’s creation for Marvel was called Hawk Owl and Woody, not Hawk Owl and Zippy. Is Woody better? No. Apologies to Woody and Mr Zimmerman and Hawk Owl and Woody fans everywhere. I like to picture angry fans yelling Woody at their computers every time we say Zippy.

Here is a link to the New York Times article about AWA Comics.

Aaaaaand, if you are interested, you can buy my new m/m hockey romance novel, HEATED RIVALRY (by Rachel Reid) wherever you buy ebooks (Kobo, Amazon, B&N, etc). It’s getting lots of love on Goodreads! It has a lot of explicit sex scenes. Just sayin’.

Episode 168 - Game Changers


This week we are talking about game changing ideas that changed the DC and Marvel universes forever! Sometimes a creator comes up with something that really sticks, and those things should be acknowledged because we tend to take them for granted, as fans.

You can see those wild Charles Burns inks on the John Romita Jr pencils that Dave was talking about here:

I truly would love to see a whole book of different artists inking the same pencils.

And, of course, this episode title, GAME CHANGERS, had nothing to do with my debut novel, GAME CHANGER, which is a delightful smutty romance about a closeted NHL star who falls in love with the adorable guy who works at his local smoothie shop. GAME CHANGER can be bought wherever you buy ebooks (Kobo, Amazon, Barnes & Noble…all your faves). And the second book in my GAME CHANGERS series, HEATED RIVALRY, comes out on Monday, March 25. You can preorder that now. But those books have nothing to do with what we are talking about in this episode.

Thanks for listening! Next week we will be talking about Game Failures(?), which would be big ideas that didn’t land at all and were quickly forgotten or undone.

Podcast - Episode 167: Captain Marvel


We saw Captain Marvel! We saw it together but did not discuss it after so you are hearing our first conversation about it LIVE!

 I also talk about the new titles from DC Ink and DC Zoom, which I read advance copies of.

And finally, Happy Birthday Bucky Barnes!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Podcast: Episode 166 - Super Hero Vacation Spots


Guys, it is minus thirty degrees Celsius here today in Nova Scotia. Get me the heck out of here!

This week Dave and I are talking about fictional locations in Marvel and DC comics, and fantasizing about visiting them. Because even Dinosaur Island sounds good right about now. At least I’ll die warm.

Thanks for listening! We’ll be back next week!