Podcast - Episode 6: Crossovers!

drawn by carmine infantino and dick giordano!!!!!!!!!!!

drawn by carmine infantino and dick giordano!!!!!!!!!!!

This was a light week on all fronts. Barely any comics, barely any news, not a Winter Soldier for miles, and all quiet on the Renner front. Despite all this, we pull together a pretty entertaining hour of super hero chat. Because we're professionals.

I mention that J. Bone did some mind-shatteringly hot really great sketches of Winter Soldier this week, including a couple of my favourite bionic commando as a sexy auto mechanic. Yeah, that's what I said. Feast your eyes on these!

Good lord. How am I supposed to get anything done?

Meanwhile, my 5-year-old son, Mitchell, was doing a Winter Solider drawing of his own:

He did a whole bunch of drawings of super heroes, and they are all hilarious. Behold: Ant-Man, Iron Fist, Nick Fury, Storm, Hawkeye, Thor, and Falcon as Captain America.

The best, right? I drew a couple of my own for him, at his request. I worked way too hard one these, considering they look like they were drawn by an 11-year-old at best. I am especially proud of my Silver Surfer. Look out, Mike Allred! I'm coming for your job!

Clearly Dave is the artistic talent half of this podcast team.

We talk about crossovers this week, and speaking of crossovers, I crossed over to another Canadian comic book podcast! This week I am a guest host on Panel Culture. You can check out the episode here. It's also available on iTunes here (episode 219). It was very nice to finally talk to Owen Craig after corresponding online for years! Go Canadian comic book podcasts!

Hey, that reminds me! We are also on iTunes here and we would love it if you would subscribe or rate us!

I am away this upcoming week so there will be no new episode next week, but we'll be back with a vengeance after that!

Check Out This Blog!

Despite a lifetime of trying very hard, I have never been able to draw. I have always been fascinated by people who did have that talent. I could be entertained for hours by a babysitter who would just sit there and draw pictures. This is probably why I am so into comics. For someone like me, who can't even draw a decent Superman logo, each and every panel in a comic book may as well have been constructed by magic. It seems just as impossible to me.

What I am saying, in a roundabout way, is that you should visit Derek Jessome's blog. He is a local artist and animator and he is insanely talented. And his love for comic books is huge. The blog is getting updated daily, which is good news for comic art groupies like me.

Captain America #33 in 30 Seconds

EDIT!! I just realized I forgot a whole panel! I've now added it.

This is for the Invincible Super Blog contest over at Chris Sims' place.

I think this should prove, beyond any doubt, that I am the worst drawer in the world.

I thought that since I didn't get to review last week's comics, I would draw up a little summary of Captain America #33, which was awesome.

Alright, here we go...

Meanwhile, in S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters...

Tony suits up and goes looking for Winter Soldier:

Differences are set aside...


And this is why I gave up my dream of being a comic book artist long ago.