Podcast - Episode 110: Spider-Man: Kraven's Last Hunt by J.M. DeMatteis and Mike Zeck

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The final week of our Summer Book Club (and the final week of summer! Sob!) and we are talking about the classic Spider-Man story, Kraven's Last Hunt.

A Winter Soldier (and Hawkeye) comic was announced this week! An actual Winter Solider (and Hawkeye) comic!


Ugly pointless movie mask? "Red Ledger"? Hawkeye? It definitely looks like they are appealing to the movie fans, right? Anyway, I'm excited. And I love the little corner box. I know we were making fun of Marvel's announcement about the return of corner boxes months ago, but looking at this cover now, I am pretty delighted.

Let's look at how relentlessly sexy Kraven's Last Hunt is.

Naked pouncing sexy:


Peek-a-boo abs wallet sexy:


Soul-searching mattress-gripping underwear sexy:


Horny after digging your way out of your own grave sexy:


Casually undressing in front of your enemy sexy:


Casually "dressing" in front of your enemy sexy:


Elephant humping sexy:


Intimate chin-tipping sexy:


Hand resting gently on hip while leading to the bedroom sexy:


Unnecessarily hot police evidence photos sexy:


And, just for fun, here's Spidey straight dumping Kraven off of an elephant:


That has to be one of the best panels of all time.

See you next week for some of our favourite single issues! Thanks for listening!

Podcast - Episode 108: The Valiant (Valiant) by Jeff Lemire, Matt Kindt and Paolo Rivera

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Dave and I celebrated my 37th birthday by going to see The Inhumans in IMAX. It was...something. We talk a lot about that in this episode, but we also talk about The Valiant, by the all-star creative team of Jeff Lemire, Matt Kindt and Paolo Rivera.

We also talk quite a bit about the final issue of Marvel's Secret Empire, which, in the grand tradition of superhero comic book events, was confusing and kind of a letdown. But we still really enjoyed the event overall.

Here's that panel of Bucky, um, communicating(?) with Steve:


I mean, that is laugh-out-loud funny.

And then!


*sniff!* You did it, guys. You did it!

Here's what I was talking about when I said Scarlet Witch's boobs looked weird on the cover of Uncanny Avengers this week:


Weird, right? I stared at that forever. Longer than I usually stare at tits, anyway. She just looks uncomfortable. Get a bra that fits, Wanda!

Anyway. Next week we're talking about Young Avengers by Alan Heinberg and Jim Cheung. I'm looking forward to some teen angst!

I'm off to check out Ninjak, Eternal Warrior, and Bloodshot comics!

Podcast - Episode 105: The Project Pegasus Saga (Marvel) with guest Sean Jordan aka The Wordburglar

We have another very special guest this week: Sean Jordan, aka The Wordburglar! We're all very excited to talk about Marvel's Project Pegasus Saga, starring The Thing and like a dozen C-list characters. 

Sean is joining us in person, so we recorded at Dave's kitchen table with a room mic, so it sounds a little different. You can hear occasional traffic/car alarms/cat meows. But it's like YOU'RE at the party, right! A fully submersive experience.

Here's a little Jude the Entropic Man for you. Sean describes him as "Gargamel cosplaying as He-Man". I think that's accurate:

If you haven't watched the (awesome) new Wordburglar video yet, here it is:

You can find all of Sean's stuff at the Wordburglar website!

And you can buy the first two issues of The Last Paper Route on Comixology here, and the third issue is available now at Strange Adventures and will be available soon in other places!

Enjoy the episode! We will be back next week to talk about Who is Wonder Woman? by Allan Heinberg and the Dodsons!

Podcast - Episode 102: Sexcastle (Image) by Kyle Starks

It's time to get crazy. This week we read Kyle Starks' hilarious love letter to 80s action heroes, Sexcastle. PLUS we've got a lot of news out of San Diego Comic Con to cover.

Before we get to Sexcastle, though, let's have a look at that Infinity War poster:

And let's just...zoom in. And enhance...

My. God.

Here's what I forgot to mention on the episode: he is wearing the same Captain America uniform here that he was wearing in Civil War. It's just all dirty and gross and hot now. And he, like, Sharpied out the star. Lord above.

Like...I've not even seen erotic Captain America fan art that was this hot. Why do there have to be other characters in this movie?!


Aw, I didn't mean you, baby. You're still my favourite. Looking forward to you and Steve rubbing your beards on each other.

Alright, let's look at some Sexcastle. This is some solid cartooning.

The Damn Twins!

This is a really fun book and a short read. Perfect for the beach or to get you through a really boring summer wedding.

Alright, next week we are talking about Christopher Priest's Black Panther comics. We are going to be reading and discussing the first volume of the Complete Collection. That contains issues #1-17 and that is over 400 pages of Black Panther comics, so get reading everyone!

I'll just remind you that I have the entire summer book club reading list posted on Goodreads here.

See you next week!

The Cast of Marvel's Secret Empire as RuPaul's Drag Race GIFS

I barely have any time for anything lately. I complain about it a lot. But I do have time to put together a character guide to Marvel's Secret Empire event using only GIFs from RuPaul's Drag Race.

You're welcome, squirrelfriends.

Steve Rogers:


Black Widow:

Rick Jones:

Tony Stark:

Maria Hill:

Sharon Carter:

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Bucky Barnes:

Sam Wilson:

Thor Odinson:

Helmut Zemo:

Madam Hydra:


Black Panther:


Captain Marvel:

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Hank Pym:

Miles Morales:

All of the young heroes being trained by Black Widow:

Everyone in Manhattan:

Phil Coulson:


Podcast - Episode 98: Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Spider-Man 2 is widely considered to be the best Spider-Man movie made to date. But here's the thing: it's not!

Sorry, everyone. It's just not that good.

But anyway. Let's not fight. Instead, let's enjoy this photo that I mention on the podcast of George Lucas and Mickey Mouse from when Lucas received his Disney Legend award in 2015:

This will never stop being funny to me.

Look, if you think Spider-Man 2 is a great movie still, you really should watch this clip of the completely pointless and dumb fire rescue scene:

But, like I said, I don't want to fight about how wrong you are. Let's gaze upon the lucious full beard Sebastian Stan has been rocking lately (for BUCKY??!!).

And if we are going to fight, let's at least fight about who the two mystery friends are in Secret Empire #4:


In order of most sense to least sense:

1. Bucky and Sam;
2. Rick and Rhodes;
3. Rick and Sam;
4. Bucky and Rhodes.

Either way, I like the wacky world they exist in.

Thanks for listening! See you next week for Spider-Man 3!