Podcast - Episode 124: Fandom!

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Hillary joins us again, and I used it as an opportunity for GIRL TALK!!!!!!!

Sort of. Hillary and I are both no strangers to fandom. Dave maybe has a different approach to the properties and creators that he loves. A *normal* approach, some might call it. One that allows you to function in your day to day life without thinking things like "Man, I'll bet Mulder would really hate this bus ride I'm on right now."

Anyway, we have a lot of thoughts about engaging with fandom, as opposed to merely being a fan, and why the fan experiences of a straight white cis male might be different from, y'know, everyone else when it comes to consuming culture.

But we also talk about comic books. And X-Files.

Anyway, LOOK AT DILTON!!!!!


Dilton, Riverdale doesn't deserve you.