Podcast - Episode 114: Comic Cover Clichés


Apologies for the very visual topic this week, but I will include some helpful images in the blog post.

Before I post some covers, here is a link to Dave's Letterbox page, where you can follow along with the spooooooooky movies he's been watching this October.

Spooooooooooky movies like this one, 1990's The Ambulance, which features the Marvel offices and some familiar Marvel faces (faces like Stan Lee, not like Bruce Banner). Dave has helpfully cut to one of the Marvel scenes here.

Oof. Eric Roberts' hair, huh?

Ok, let's look at some covers. Here you will see, in order, examples of "Death of Whoever"; "Floating Heads"; "Charging at Each Other"; "Scales of Justice" or "Big Guy Little Guys"; and "Just a Bunch of Guys".

Thanks for listening!!!