Podcast: Episode 159: Aquaman / Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse


Man. We turn our back for a few weeks and an Avengers trailer gets dropped, two Spider-Man movies are released, and Stan Lee dies.

Anyway, we are back! And we will continue to be back until Avengers: Endgame is released, or until the apocalypse, whichever happens first.

We saw Aquaman! And also Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Those are two movies that are in theatres right now! Later this year there will be two Captain Marvel movies in theatres at the same time. Wild times, guys.

We are going to try to make this “season” of the podcast super positive and include a lot of interviews and guests and good times. We probably won’t talk about the news very much, and we probably won’t review weekly comics.

2019: The Year I Fall Back in Love with Comics! Join us!