Team Living Between Wednesdays is in effect!

Not actually without eyeballs.Welcome to the new site everyone!

As you may have noticed, over the past couple of years I have had less and less free time for updating the blog. This was making me sad, and I had to think of a way to fix it because I love yammering about comic books on the internet. Also, I had run out of room on my Blogger account.

The solution to the second problem was to buy my own domain, which I did. And the solution to the first problem took some thought. Then it occured to me: go back to the original dream!

When Living Between Wednesdays first started waaaaay back in 2006, the original concept was that it was going to be written by four ladies. It ended up pretty much just being me, which worked pretty well but I still sort of missed the camraderie.

Over my years of blogging and working in a comic shop, I came to realize something: guys read comics too! So why shouldn't they be a part of Team Living Between Wednesdays?

I have assembled what I believe is an astonishing, unbeatable team of comic book fans to help write this blog. A mighty foursome that will be able to provide witty, insightful commentary on our favourite storytelling medium on a daily basis!

Let's meet the team:

Not an actual astronaut.Johnathan Munroe has been writing the hilarious comic blog "Paul and John Review" since 2006. As you may notice, we have now blended our archived posts together here on this new site. I have known Johnathan since university and he is definitely one of the reasons why I read so many comics today. He took the initiative to lend me tons of trades that got me hooked on the larger story arcs being told in comics. Prior to that I was more of a one-shot kind of gal. Johnathan's areas of expertise include The Legion of Super-Heroes, Dark Horse comics, magic-based characters, and DC's silver age.


tiinadoneTiina Johns is one of my best buddies. She has worked at Strange Adventures comic shop in Halifax for several years, and got me a job there as well. She is also the bass player in The Stolen Minks, the band I recently departed because I wanted to focus on directing. She has been writing the "Comics are For Everybody" blog for Shameless Magazine for the past year, encouraging teenage girls to read comics. Tiina's name is spelled with two 'i's. Tiina's areas of expertise include Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Brian Wood, Catwoman, indie comics and GLBT/feminist themes in comics.


Actually pretty much looks like this.Dave Howlett is the manager of Stange Adventures and he knows more about comics than you do. Don't even front. Dave was writing an awesomely titled blog called "All This and Earth-2," which sadly didn't last very long. Thankfully, he has agreed to blog again here because he has a wealth of knowledge and witty remarks that have to be shared. Dave also knows more about movies than you do, especially horror movies. Oddly enough, he also probably knows more about the Wu-Tang Clan than you do (unless you are a member of the Wu-Tang Clan. No disrespectin' the Wu!). Dave is also a really awesome artist. You may remember his work on the Marvel variant covers post that I did a few months ago.  Dave's areas of expertise include Jack Kirby, Superman, Mike W. Barr Batman stories, and EVERYTHING.

Together we form TEAM LBW and we are coming down from the Northeast tip to bring you a comic blog so awesome and charming it will melt your cold, nerdy heart.

We write about comics because we love comics. So check your cynicism at the door (or leave it in the comments threads over at Newsarama).This is a happy place (unless something makes us angry, but we're Canadian so even when that happens we just accept it with gentle good humour. And apologize.).

Here's what you can expect from the new Living Between Wednesdays:

- daily updates
- weekly comic reviews posted every Thursday (for real!)
- at least one Super Hunk rating per month written by yours truly!
- theme weeks that all four of us participate in (I think another Bob Haney Week is way overdue)
- the return of the weekly feature Archie Sunday
- weekly interviews with real life comic book creators!

And that's just a start!

Welcome aboard! I hope you'll stick around as LBW embarks on an exciting new era! HUGE THANKS to Paul Pettipas and my graphic designer husband Matt Reid for making this site for me. It looks awesome.