Podcast - Episode 17: Spoooooooky Halloween Pt 1

Good evening! [lightning crash] Welcome to this week's episode of DYING Between Wednesdays! It's almost Halloween so Dave and I are talking about spooky stuff for the next two episodes. Dave talks about the 31 horror movies that he is watching this month, and explains his long-standing love of horror and monsters. I explain my long-standing hatred of horror and monsters.

We are not kidding about the giant penis silhouette on the first page of Captain America: White #3. Check it out:

I mean...

And speaking of super sexy things, here are those Chris Evans photos from the Chinese magazine, Modern Weekly. Here's a taste:


Ok, I'm going to try to write more here without scrolling up repeatedly to look at that image.

Um...ok. Ok.

Here is that super adorable drawing J.Bone (aka the Toronto wing of Living Between Wednesdays Inc.) did of Bucky and Natasha having a relaxing salon day:

Natasha takes Bucky in for a pre-Civil War makeover #stucky #marvel #blackwidow #wintersoldier #jbone

A photo posted by J.Bone (@originaljbone) on

Crazy cute, right?

Here's the trailer for the Lego Marvel's Avengers video game:

Looking forward to that playable Bucky!

You can follow along with Dave's 31 Days of Halloween horror movie viewings on his Tumblr. He has part one here and part two here.

And you can check out the Supergirl pieces Dave wrote for Global TV here. I am so excited for that show!

I apologize. This post is jumping around all over the place. I am watching The Flash while I write it. And I keep scrolling up to look at that Chris Evans picture.

Thanks for listening! Next week...more spooky Halloween talk. Maybe we'll even get around to talking about scary comics. And we'll share our favourite past Halloween costumes.