Podcast - Episode 26: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Merry Christmas! Dave already got everything he wants for Christmas, in the form of Star wars: The Force Awakens, so we're gonna talk about that.

I will warn you that this episode is crazy spoilery for The Force Awakens, so don't listen if you haven't seen it yet! At least not the second half.

Before I even get started, I received a package in the mail the day after we recorded this and it was from J.Bone and LOOK!!!!!



I love them and they are my best friends. Thank you, J!!!!!!!

Speaking of gifts, here's that Chewbacca cookie plate I gave to Dave last week:

I can't take credit for the peanut butter balls.

And here's the entirety of my Christmas list for, I dunno, 2020 or whenever they actually release this thing:

hot toys ws.jpg

Oh, Winter Soldier doll. I have so many inappropriate thoughts about you.

And here's that Civil War promo art that includes Sebastian Stan's quote about Bucky "going both ways."

And here is that weird Cineplex holiday ad that features a little girl Winter Soldiering a living snowman:

So weird!

We are taking next week off so see you in 2016! Thanks so much for listening! We both really love doing this podcast.

Podcast - Episode 25: Star Wars

Guys, it's almost Star Wars day!!!!

Dave and I are excited for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Dave is VERY excited. So we talk about Star Wars memories, and our hopes for this new movie. This episode is 100% SPOILER FREE!

Here's where you can read/watch Emily VanCamp's comments about the possible romance between Sharon Carter and Steve Rogers in Civil War (or the possible romance between Steve Rogers and...someone else!).

Here are the awesome drawings J.Bone posted on Instagram this week. First a very sexy, brooding Winter Soldier:

Pensive Winter Soldier #wintersoldier #marvel #beefcake #jbone

A photo posted by J.Bone (@originaljbone) on

And then a super adorable lil' Stucky drawing that almost killed me:

Aaaaaand here is Sebastian Stan looking fly as hell at that Burberry charity thing:

I'm fine. It's fine that he looks like that. I'm ok.

Here's his Dubsmash video:


A video posted by @imsebastianstan on

Thanks for listening! See you at Star Wars, guys!

Set Phasers For Fun: Dave's Spoiler-Free Mini Review of Star Trek

After a stumbling start with X-Men Origins: Wolverine (see Rachelle’s review here), the summer 2009 movie season got kicked off properly last night with the first shows of J.J. Abrams’ new Star Trek makeover, featuring young, angsty versions of the original cast—Kirk, Spock, etc.—in a universe that is not quite the same as the one we all know but is still somehow canon. How, exactly, requires me to discuss plot points that I don’t want to get into (spoilers and all), but it’s not important anyway. What is important is that the new Star Trek is a hell of a good time, and exactly what this series needed.

Without giving too much away, a Romulan bad guy named Nero has traveled back in time, to back before the original series, to mess with history in various diabolical ways. Along the way, he encounters the USS Enterprise and its crew of fledgling recruits, who have to get over their various differences to stop him from blowing up lots of planets and messing up the spacetime continuum. More than he already has, I mean—his interference has already altered the timeline, meaning that the future as we know it is not set anymore (a handy trick of the filmmakers, one that sidesteps Wolverine’s lack of suspense in knowing that the character survives for at least three more movies). The wonky pseudoscience that has always accompanied the Star Trek brand name and its recurring time travel plotlines allows for an almost literal cosmic reset button, which will hopefully keep the die-hard fans content, while also making way for director J.J. Abrams’ sexy, flashy new vision of the Star Trek universe—while, finally, not in any way contradicting What Has Gone Before.  

The cast is pretty much uniformly great—Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto, as Kirk and Spock, respectively, inhabit their characters without resorting to imitations, the supporting characters all get to have cool moments where we see why they’re all destined for greatness, and the space battles and fight scenes are all exciting to watch. There are a lot of fun nods to the original series, but not obnoxiously so. There are some moments of fairly goofy humour, but that’s not so out of place either—never let it be said that Star Trek, in any of its incarnations, is above a lame gag or three. And seriously, when’s the last time we had a good space adventure flick? One that didn’t take place in some depressing dystopia, but in a future where all (or most, anyway) races have come together to get stuff done? By the end of this movie, I was pretty much begging for a sequel, but that’s probably still about three years away. Not soon enough! Great job, everyone involved.