Podcast - Episode 101: Trinity (DC) by Matt Wagner

We are kicking off our Summer Book Club with Matt Wagner's 2003 DC miniseries, Trinity!

First of all, apologies for the lower quality sound this week. We used a room mic and it picks up a lot of things our mics usually don't, like pages flipping. It was an emergency fix to a technical problem that we'll have fixed for next week.

But let's look at Matt Wagner's beautiful versions of Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman



Here's grumpy Batman being carried by Superman in his little harness:


And here's that scene from Batman and Grendel that I was talking about. Matt Wagner makes cool choices for scenes where some people might just have a character standing still and talking on the phone:

Enjoy the episode. We'll be back next week to talk about Sexcastle!

I'll leave you with this group picture of the coolest people at D23.

My boy looks so good!