Podcast - Episode 156: Bruce and Dick

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We saw Batman’s penis!!!!

This past week the first issue of Batman: Damned came out and DAAAAAAAMN. There is some full frontal Batman. It is not disappointing.

Some other stuff happens in this comic too. He kills the Joker maybe? Who cares because BAT DONG!


I mean, you can see veins. Well done, Lee Bermejo. You did it.

See you next week when we talk about something WAY less interesting.

Podcast - Episode 155: Superman and Batman movies

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Since there were a couple of news items this past week relating to Superman and Batman movies, we decided to look back at all previous Superman and Batman movies.

I have to make a correction, too. Probably several, but the one I can remember is that I said that the Starfire character on Titans is a prostitute but I don’t think she actually is. I had just heard that, but I can’t find verification anywhere. I can’t find anything that says otherwise, either, but let’s assume that she is not actually a prostitute. Not that there is anything wrong with being a sex worker of any kind, but comic book-based entertainment has a long history of not depicting sex workers in the most…sensitive and respectful light. Anyway, the show still looks very bad.

Here is Michael Kupperman’s Dick Crazy comic, for your enjoyment:

See you next week!


Podcast - Episode 152: The Untold Legend of the Batman

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Dave and I are all alone this week but we still have plenty of fun talking about 1982's The Untold Legend of the Batman. The book is way more ridiculous than I remember it being.

I am still laughing thinking about Joe Chill getting away from Batman somehow when Batman confronts him in his office. Man, does Batman ever screw that up.

Next week we are reading/discussing Faith Erin Hicks' The Nameless City. See you then!

Podcast - Episode 150: Supergirl: Being Super

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It's our 150th episode and...due to scheduling issues, we have postponed all of our 150th episode stuff until next week. BUT we read a really good book for our bookclub this week!

If you are in the area, come on down to DCAF this Sunday! It's a great little festival and totally free!

Episode 126 - Scheduling Stress

This week we are talking about scheduling in the comic book industry, and I swear it's more interesting than you would think. I hope so, anyway.

Hillary joins us again to talk about the latest episode of The X-Files. We are also joined by two fighting cats.

We lay down some unpopular opinions about Logan and The Shape of Water, in an effort to lose most of our listeners.

But, I will win you back with this link to Sebastian Stan's Hugo Boss modelling video:

Helllllllllooooo Summer Soldier!

Enjoy the episode. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Podcast - Episode 117: Justice League


We saw Justice League! It's the story of a badass woman teaming up with two beautiful teenagers, an impossibly sexy sea man, and Ben Affleck to bring Superman and his chest hair back from the dead. 

We didn't hate it!

Thanks for listening, and you're lucky I was even alive to post this episode because the cover of the new issue of The Hollywood Reporter damn near killed me:


I mean, come on, Hollywood Reporter. You can't just post that without a LOT of warning.

Armie Hammer for Warlock, 2020!