Love for Comic Foundry

Have you guys checked out the new magazine, Comic Foundry? I really love it. And here's why:

1. It's completely unpretentious, and perfect for new comic readers. It is in no way snobby, and recommends comics that most serious readers already know about and have read several times. It's a perfect thing to give someone who is just getting into comics.

2. It also appeals to long-time fans, with lots of fun little features about our favourite artists and writers. (Kubert vs Kubert! Michael Kupperman's Favourite Jokes! Brian K Vaughan's recommended reading!)

3. Everything in it is short, which appeals to my very short attention span, shared by many comic book readers.

4. The 'Behind the Curtain' feature, where they take pictures of a creator's workspace. Do I want to know what DVDs Brian Wood owns? Yes I do.

5. It has great, creative ideas, like a fashion spread where the models replicate famous comic covers.

6. I saw several things that I would like to buy.

7. It has a nice balance between super hero, indie and manga.

8. Matt Fraction writes for it.

9. There's an interview with Kristen Bell!

10. It's less a magazine about comics, than a magazine about comic fans.

11. It's an alternative to Wizard (and, as they say on their cover, one cent cheaper!)

I recommend checking it out. It's fun, and makes me feel like part of a cool community, where Wizard makes me feel too old for comic books.

You can also check it out online.