Rachelle Predicts The Least Popular ClicKet.com Products

One of my Google sponsors is ClicKet.com. I took a look at their website, which promised deluxe Justice League costumes. I found some other things that I think they probably sell less of.

1. The Steve Irwin life-sized standee

2. The Adult Movie Robin Costume

3. The life-size Austin Powers Standee with voicebox

4. The zero-visibility toddler Batman romper

5. The Newt Gingrich life-sized standee

6. The Mary Katharine Gallagher costume

7. The Alan Jackson life-sized standee

8. The 'Talk to the Hand' costume

9. The pretty crappy Robocop costume

Also, I can't say if it's a hot seller or not, but I just want to bring everyone's attention to this costume:

They call it 'Dracula with a Twist.' I call it confusing.

Note: Clicket.com has many fine products and should not be judged based on this small selection.