Podcast - Episode 155: Superman and Batman movies

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Since there were a couple of news items this past week relating to Superman and Batman movies, we decided to look back at all previous Superman and Batman movies.

I have to make a correction, too. Probably several, but the one I can remember is that I said that the Starfire character on Titans is a prostitute but I don’t think she actually is. I had just heard that, but I can’t find verification anywhere. I can’t find anything that says otherwise, either, but let’s assume that she is not actually a prostitute. Not that there is anything wrong with being a sex worker of any kind, but comic book-based entertainment has a long history of not depicting sex workers in the most…sensitive and respectful light. Anyway, the show still looks very bad.

Here is Michael Kupperman’s Dick Crazy comic, for your enjoyment:

See you next week!
