Podcast - Episode 60: The New Frontier

We have come to the end of our summer book club! We read a lot of great books (and also Hush!) and now we end with one of the best things ever written, honestly, Darwyn Cooke's The New Frontier.

Ok, first of all, check out this thing that Dave drew for me for my birthday:

Amazing, right? I love that Winter Scout has a Super Soaker. And I love that Dave gave Bucky nice, thick thighs.

Here is the Winter Soldier cake that my husband made me. It was really delicious:

Dave and I talk about the Harvey Awards, which were given out this past week. I mention the 2009 nominations when a NASCAR Heroes comic was nominated in, I believe, several categories. Chris Haley and Curt Franklin had a great comic about it, which you can see here (along with all of the great Let's Be Friends Again comics).

Man, I just fell down a hole of reading a whole bunch of their comics again. So great!

Ok, let's just bask in the majesty that is The New Frontier.

Man, I could just pull panels from this thing forever. 

Thanks for joining us for our first book club! It was fun! Next week J.Bone will be joining us...not via Skype this time!