Podcast - Episode 33: If We Ran DC Comics

Oh DC. DC might actually stand for 'dear child' because that's how I feel about them these days. I just shake my head whenever they announce anything and think "Oh, you dear, sweet, stupid child. You have no idea what you're doing."

Well don't worry, DC, because I am here to solve all of your problems with a well-thought-out plan. Don't be scared. I know well-thought-out things and plans are not things you are used to seeing around Burbank or wherever the hell your offices are now, but if you just read it I think you'll see that I'm right. (Reading, by the way, is also something you should do to your own comics that you publish. Before releasing them to the poor, comic-loving public).

So yes, this week Dave and I talk about how things would change if we were in charge of DC!

First of all, apologies for the slightly fuzzy sound this week, particularly when I am speaking. We will be all set up with fancy mics and a mixing board next week but this week we used the room mic and I turned it up a little too loud and sat a little too close. I did my best trying to mellow it out in post, but it's still a little crunchy. Next week will sound great!

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I don't think there is too much to put in this week's blog post. Not too many things were discussed that require links or visual references. Except maybe BONDAGE DAREDEVIL!

It actually took me a while to locate that gif in my image folder because I have so many bondage pictures of super heroes.

Oh, turns out the cast of Civil War did NOT appear on ET this week. So I was following bad information or it was canceled or something. I'm gonna blame Jeremy Renner.

As I mention, I unlocked Winter Soldier in the Lego Marvel's Avengers video game this week, which means I can assemble exciting teams like this one:

Just a couple of Buckys, out on the town.

We talk a little bit about Sebastian Stan's upcoming film, The Bronze, which promises to have a crazy sex scene. I'll prrrrrrrrobably see it...

Hmm...ok, that's probably it for this week. I'm pretty distracted now.

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