Podcast - Episode 109: Young Avengers (Marvel) by Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung

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The 2017 Living Between Wednesdays Summer Book Club is nearly done! We'll be ending it next week with Spider-Man: Kraven's Last Hunt. But first: it's Young Avengers by Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung!

I seriously can't believe how old these comics are. 2005?! Seriously?! Steve Rogers still thought Bucky was dead! He didn't know how much worse the truth is!

Obviously between this recording and the day it was posted, Disney announced that J.J. Abrams will indeed be directing Episode IX of Star Wars. But maybe a weekly podcast isn't your most reliable source for up-to-date entertainment news.

If you want to read the "article" about how "Leonardo DiCaprio" "told" Stan Lee that he "wants" to play him in a movie, it's here.

And if you want to see some adorable Pennywise illustrations by J.Bone, here you go!


And if you want to see a picture of Sebastian Stan in VERY tight pants at TIFF last week, here you go:

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He's gonna need help taking those off, I think...

See you next week for Kraven's Last Hunt!

Podcast - Episode 106: Who is Wonder Woman (DC) by Allan Heinberg, Terry Dodson & Rachel Dodson

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Even though the question was probably sufficiently answered by the Wonder Woman movie, this week we read Who is Wonder Woman? by Allan Heinberg and Terry and Rachel Dodson.

It's very good.

Hello, World!

I actually can't think of anything to write about this week. 

Oh! Except here is the link to Dan McDaid's beautiful new webcomic, Dega.

Look at how nice!

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Thanks for listening! See you next week for Ms Marvel!