Podcast - Episode 72: Superhero Romance!
/This week we are talking about SUPERHERO ROMANCE!!!! Would it have made more sense to wait until February for this topic? Probably! Do I pretty much want to talk about superhero romances all the time? Yes.
Oh, superhero romance.
Before we get to that, here is that tweet of mine that went viral for whatever reason:
I feel like there's a disconnect between Chris Evans and his fans. pic.twitter.com/IjLKpb6xcv
— Rachelle Goguen (@rachellegoguen) December 2, 2016
Again, I want to clarify: the original tweet by @Glamourizes is poetry. I love it.
Oh! And you can follow Living Between Wednesdays on Twitter now!
Here is the Omaze contest where you and three friends can be trapped in an escape room in Boston with Chris Evans.
If I win he is never getting out of that room.
Alright! On to the romance!
Here is the final page in the the sad and epic love story of Black Widow and Winter Soldier. The evil Red Room assassin, Leo Novokov, made sure Natasha would never remember her romance with poor ol' Bucky:
Bucky's life is extremely good.
The depressing icing on the sadness cake is that Bucky refuses to even let SHIELD try to help restore that part of her memories because "She's better off without me." UGH! Bucky!!!!
Here's my girl Catwoman getting some late night action from Batman. I love how she handles him. And I super love that whip around the neck as she leads him down the stairs:
Flame emoji.
And here's my favourite Captain America love interest...BERNIE!!!
That's my girl!
Damn! Right off the bat she's laying it on thick! I love this woman.
"One what?" "A crush on Josh!"
This is seriously the most comfortable I've seen him with a woman. But it might be because they are talking about classic Hollywood movies:
I picture Steve doing a bang-on Bacall impression here.
And here are a couple of panels from Captain America #289, when Bernie fantasizes about being BERNIE AMERICA!!!
Side note: it is very difficult to Google "Bernie America" these days if you want this result.
I see no difference here between regular Steve Rogers and this version of him.
And let's end it on this recent screengrab from my Avengers Academy game, which is extremely relevant: